Statik 8, variable size, carabiner and rope

Statik 8, variable size, carabiner and rope

Statik 8, variable size, carabiner and rope
Interview with Helvetic Centre
” The way I think things and art is related to physical regard. I play with duality , dialogue between perception and reality, weight of material, strengh and fragility. I have observed architecture during all my life.”
“I have a close relationship with questions of space in nature and human constructions. I like the works of Richard Serra or the way how Olafur Eliasson creates rainbow n a closed space.”
” In fact I begin to work more and more with similar materials, like ropes or survival blankets. These two things for example interest me because you can change feelings and space with the same system.”
” I’m not specifically searching for answers to big questions. For me the aim is the way.”
“For this show we had to keep to the tight restrictions given by the space, time frame and budget. My personal work in this exhibition is an installation with ropes. Frédéric Decided to show a wallpaper that he had created while at Ecal. In the end we really wanted to produce something new. In a discussion with Frédéric we decided to produce a siklscreen printed wallpaper with a pattern of Richard Rhys – my rope sculpture then playing the same pattern.”
“We can find the idea of repetition, some visual stimulations that provokes the spectator to get int a physical interaction with the space and the architecture.”